[an error occurred while processing this directive] Intrepix WordCount 2: Usage 3.2

Intrepix WordCount 2 Help Contents and Index

3.2 Advanced options (Preferences)

You can set advanced options new to this version by clicking Tools >> Preferences (Ctrl+K) on the main window. Click the button "Set default options" to reset the options to their default values. Click OK to accept the changes you have made to the options, or Cancel to close the dialog box without saving changes.

Automatic Refresh

If you check the box "Enable this option", this will turn on automatic refresh. When this option is on, whenever you make a change to the text in the text box (like if you paste something in or you type directly into the text box), the word count will be automatically recounted and displayed below the text box next to the number 3.

Count using the same method as the previous version/Count with advanced options

You choose one of these options. If you choose "Count using the same method as the previous version", all the advanced options will be turned off. This will (hopefully) give you the same count as if you used version 1. You may want to do this if your computer is extremely slow, or you are working with someone who is using version 1.

If you choose "Count with advanced options", the options (as explained below) will become available. You can then select which of the various options you want by checking the check boxes. If you deselect all of the check boxes, the program will end up giving you the same word count as if you had used version 1 (as all the advanced options have been disabled).

Advanced option: Ignore multiple dashes/hyphens

This changes the reaction of the program when it encounters double-hyphens.

When this option is enabled:


2 words


2 words


1 word

Happy-- yay

2 words

When this option is disabled:


1 word


1 word


1 word

Happy-- yay

2 words

Advanced option: Ignore Shakespearean references

Because everyone likes to quote Shakespeare in different ways, the way it detects whether something in brackets is a Shakespearean reference or not is based around fuzzy logic. If the program detects a piece of text as being a Shakespearean reference, it will ignore the words inside the brackets when doing the word count.

  1. It will check strings that are up to 32 characters long, within brackets.
  2. An open bracket "(" can't be in a Shakespearean reference.
  3. e.g. or i.e. cannot be within the brackets.
  4. After removing the words like "Act", "Scene", and "Line", the program will count the number of letter "E" and "R" present between the open and close brackets. If there are more than 4 letter "E" or "R" altogether, then it won't recognise it.
  5. There cannot be more than one comma AND more than one period at the same time.
  6. There must be more than one comma or more than one period.
  7. There cannot be more than five spaces.




(III, iv, 275)



(King Lear: II, i, 20)



(A midsummer's night dream: III, i, 57)






(Act 5, Scene 2, line 174)



(I, ii, 382...)



Advanced option: Ignore the numbers in numbered lists

This option is more of a fix of a long-standing issue with the older version than an advanced feature. When you paste text into the text box from Word that contains numbered lists, the numbered list gets converted into text. In the older version, the numbers just got counted as another word, which is undesirable.

When this option is enabled:

Things that cats love to eat include:
1. Fish
2. Mice
3. Birds

Word count: 10

When this option is disabled:

Things that cats love to eat include:
1. Fish
2. Mice
3. Birds

Word count: 13

Advanced option: Recognise characters in complex European scripts

This check box should never be cleared, because doing do has the potential to give incorrect word counts. Version 1 only recognised the letters 'a' to 'z' and the numerals 0 to 9 as characters that can form words. However words such as 'naïve' contain characters not included in this list causing the program to count it as two words (the 'na' and then the 've').

When this option is enabled:


Word count: 1

When this option is disabled:


Word count: 2

Advanced option: Treat hyphenated words as two words

If this option is selected, the first option ("Ignore multiple dashes/hyphens") will be ignored. Any hyphens that appear in the text will act as though they were spaces.

